Amiga Format CD 44
Amiga Format CD44 (1999-08-26)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1999-10].iso
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AnimFlipper -- An example of a better way to string together
Anims and IFFs in Amos Pro. Freeware.
©1993, 1996 Steve Tiffany
AnimFlipper is heavily commented. Read the comments!
AnimFlipper demonstrates a way to display anims that's easy to
use yet gives you a fair amount of control. Use the program as a
starting point for your own presentations--Just Add Anims!
The EXHIBITANIM[] procedure is the heart of the program, and it
was designed as a replacement for Amos Pro's `Iff Anim' command.
On my system at least, the special screen that Iff Anim opens is
too low and too far to the right, and there's no way to relocate
it. EXHIBITANIM[] uses screens that respond to Screen Display.
Where `Iff Anim' inexplicably loops past the end and leaves you
looking at Frame 2, EXHIBITANIM[] correctly displays the anim's
LAST frame while the next anim is loading. Finally, EXHIBITANIM[] gives
you the option of displaying Frame 1 for a specific length of
time or until the user clicks the mouse.
The companion procedure EXHIBIT[] displays IFFs.
Even if you don't need to show anims, take a look at the
SCRNCENTER[] procedure. It can prevent your programs from
looking off-center on other people's systems.
This is the procedure that does the important work of loading and
playing your anims.
Parameters for EXHIBITANIM[] are as follows:
AN$........ The path and file name of the anim you want to play, in quotes.
TRIGGER.... What to wait for before displaying first frame of this anim:
If value is -1 then wait for mouse click.
If value is 0 then display it as soon as it's loaded.
If value is greater than 0 then Wait TRIGGER
(60 = 1 second in NTSC or 50 = 1 second in PAL).
HOLDFRAME1 What to wait for with the first frame displayed before the
rest of the anim starts to play:
Same values as TRIGGER.
MIDFRAME... How long to Wait between anim frames. Value of 0 plays
fastest. Higher numbers play slower.
NUMLOOPS... How many times the anim should play.
Recommended value is 1.
AnimFlipper includes the EXHIBIT[] procedure for displaying IFFs
in the same environment that EXHIBITANIM[] uses. Parameters for
EXHIBIT[] are as follows:
PIC$....... The path and file name of the IFF picture to show, in quotes.
TRIGGER.... What to wait for before displaying this picture:
If value is -1 then wait for mouse click.
If value is 0 then display it as soon as it's loaded.
If value is greater than 0 then Wait TRIGGER
(60 = 1 second in NTSC or 50 = 1 second in PAL).
Note that if you're writing a slide show with no anims, you're
better off skipping EXHIBIT[] and the AnimFlipper environment
entirely and just using 2 unbuffered screens and Screen To Front.
AnimFlipper uses one unbuffered screen and one double buffered
screen, which is a waste of chip ram if you aren't showing anims.
(You want to use two unbuffered screens because slide shows which
use a single double buffered screen may produce an ugly flash
when pictures have different palettes.)
/ /
320,352 200,240 NTSC (400,480 won't work w/OS 3.1)
640,704 256,290 PAL
How often have you seen otherwise-enjoyable AMOS programs where
the screen is way over on one side of the monitor? Now you can
make sure your programs don't look that way on other people's
systems. SCRNCENTER[] is a procedure that lets the user
permanently center the screen for his or her particular machine.
Here's how it works:
When your program calls SCRNCENTER[], the procedure looks for a
tiny config file in the user's S: directory. If it finds it, the
procedure opens it and reads two numbers, XOFFSET and YOFFSET,
and then your program uses them to center the screen with the
Screen Display command. If the file's not there, it presents the
user with a screen they can center by moving the mouse. When
they click the mouse, a requester suggests writing the values of
XOFFSET and YOFFSET to the config file in the user's S: or Ram:
directory. If the user picks S:, the program centers itself from
then on. If Ram:, just til they reboot.
I'd like to propose a standard of sorts: Plug the SCRNCENTER[]
procedure into your own programs without modification, and it
will correctly select one of the following files to hold the
values of XOFFSET and YOFFSET:
AmosXyOffsetNTSC.config if it's 320x200 or 640x200
AmosXyOverscanNTSC.config if it's 352x240 or 704x240
AmosXyOffsetPAL.config if it's 320x256 or 640x256
AmosXyOverscanPAL.config if it's 352x290 or 704x290
If everyone uses this version of SCRNCENTER[], the average user
will only have to center his screens twice: once for standard
screens and once for overscan. From then on, all new programs
that use SCRNCENTER[] will center themselves by reading the
config file. Also, if we standardize to these four config file
names, people won't have a hundred different 11-byte files that
all do the same thing clogging up their S: directories.
If you use the file to hold other information beyond XOFFSET and
YOFFSET, then please pick a different name for the file.
While EXHIBITANIM[] is a big improvement over `Iff Anim,' it
still doesn't solve a couple of problems.
One is the hesitation at the loop point if you play an anim more
than once. I almost got rid of the NUMLOOPS parameter because of
this, but left it in for those anims that aren't hurt by a pause
at the loop (like when an object starts and ends off-screen).
Another limitation is that there's always a freeze-frame between
anims while it loads the next one. Try to design your programs
so the pause looks intentional.
EXHIBITANIM[] requires all the anims and IFFs to be the same
resolution and number of colors, and anims must be of the Anim-5
variety, the format used by DPaint.
As currently set up, you're limited to anims of 999 or fewer
frames, but you can increase that by changing the two 999's near
the top of the EXHIBITANIM[] procedure.
The most noticeable limitation of SCRNCENTER[] is actually a
deficiency of AMOS itself. AMOS screens adjust left/right in
16 pixel jumps, meaning users can't fine-tune the screen location
without adjusting a knob on their monitors. And if they do that,
it uncenters their Workbench screens.
SCRNCENTER[] assumes screens are standard sizes:
320x200, 640x200, 352x240, 704x240 in NTSC
320x256, 640x256, 352x290, 704x290 in PAL
It actually works with Laced screens as well (320x400, etc.), but
AMOS can't handle those once you upgrade to OS 3.1.
SCRNCENTER[] hasn't been tested with games that use hardware
coordinates directly.
Feel free to send comments by e-mail to stiffany@isd.net
If these procedures help you create something cool, let me know
when you upload it to Aminet. If it's not going on Aminet, by
all means copy it onto 880k floppies and send via snail mail,
FedEx, bike messenger or mule train to:
Steve Tiffany
3255 14th Ave. S #4
Minneapolis, MN 55407
USA (addresses current June 1996)